Meet God Where You Are

The mission of CRM is to publish resources for spiritual growth. Excess funds will be used to provide resources for those in immediate need in the Hudson Valley as well as connection, resources and encouragement to all.

As a stone skips across the water it creates a ripple effect. In the same way as we pursue Christian maturity and learn how to serve God and serve others in our workplaces and families, we touch one life at a time creating a ripple effect each time.

~Founder, Walter C. Iriwin III


Local Resources

Resources Local to the Hudson Valley. Additionally call 2-1-1 immediate assistance, which is a 24-7 helpline organized by United Way. To request a sunshine basket for someone who is going through a challenging season, please fill out the online request form.

List of Local Food Pantries

Sunshine Basket ministry

Printable Resources

Use these resources to touch another.

Available Books and Journals

PLEASE NOTE CRM DOES NOT Accept Unsolicited Manuscripts